Announcing the Becoming Ultraproductive 1-on-1 coaching program
Are you an executive, entrepreneur or CEO who …
… struggles to focus on the important work while jumping from one urgent task to the next?
… feels tired in the morning and throughout the day despite sleeping for 7 or 8 hours at night?
… has trouble dealing with high stress at work and “switching it off” at home?
If so, I’ve got bad news and good news for you.
The bad news first. You can’t go on like this. Building a great career or company doesn’t take weeks or months. It takes years or decades. It’s not a sprint. It’s a marathon of sprints. To win this marathon and avoid burning out halfway, you need to set yourself up for the long run.
Now the good news. Together with my Ultraproductive co-author and world-leading CEO coach Eric Partaker, I created a new 1-on-1 coaching program to help executives, entrepreneurs and CEOs thrive in high-stress environments.
In the Becoming Ultraproductive coaching program, I’ll help you build habit systems that increase your productivity by between 100% and 900% while making stress work "for you" instead of "against you."
It’s my most exclusive offer and is limited to 15 seats. If you want to reserve one of these seats, reply to this email or get in touch here.
And if you want to learn more about the program, read on.
The magic of 90 minutes
The program revolves around a simple, science-based and powerful concept: For sustainable peak productivity, 90 is the magic number.
The reason is what researchers call our 90-minute “ultradian rhythm”, which governs both our days and nights. Here are three examples:
1) By learning how to focus deeply for just 90 minutes a day, you'll double your productivity, according to research by McKinsey & Company.
2) By learning how to get 90 minutes of deep sleep each night, you’ll build the foundation for your mental and physical performance and health, according to research from Stanford University.
3) By learning how to work with and turn off the stress response every 90 minutes at work, you’ll harness the performance-enhancing effects of acute stress while ensuring it doesn’t turn into chronic stress.
Let’s win together
The Becoming Ultraproductive 1-on-1 coaching program covers all these topics and many more.
For each topic, we’ll create habit systems for sustainable peak productivity — tailored to your professional and private life regime. I’ll become your sparring partner who holds you accountable and helps you overcome obstacles along the way.
Again, the program is my most exclusive offer and is limited to 15 seats. It includes six sessions over 12 weeks. It’s an investment that will pay for itself many times over the years and decades to come.
So, if you’re an executive, entrepreneur or CEO who wants to build habit systems that increase your productivity by between 100% and 900% while making stress work "for you" instead of "against you”, reply to this email or get in touch here.
Let’s set you up for the marathon ahead and win together.
And if you can think of one person who could benefit from the program, please share this post with them.
Until tomorrow,